“Blessing In Disguise”
“You can’t take every failure or loss as a loss or a failure, you have to look at it like it’s a new direction that you’re going into, you know. You just never know, you never know how your journey is going to actually happen, you never know so you just got to keep going…”
“Baby Jem” ~ Ryan Destiny
Quote source: Ryan Destiny chats about “Star” & New Music (Build Series) (Youtube published date 3/13/19)
stock photo source: weheartit.com
Have you ever been in a situation where you were presented with an opportunity that you thought would be great, but one way or another plans fell through or it just didn’t work out in your favor…so you thought? Not too long ago I interviewed at my job for a higher position that I had been working towards for a bit of time. A few positions finally opened up and I prepared for the interview. After I interviewed, I learned that I hadn’t gotten the new position. I was bummed for a bit, but a week or so later I found out what was really entailed with the new position and was so glad that I had’t gotten the job. Not too long after that, I received the news that a few more positions had opened up at that same level but in a different department and I was fortunate enough to be offered the position and I didn’t have to interview for it. And get this, the new position was right up my ally. Talk about a blessing in disguise. Not only did I not have to interview, but I ended up landing on a better team with a great supervisor. See, sometimes things fortunately, unfortunately don’t work out.
There can be times in our lives that we really think that we want something and end up not being able to acquire it only to find that either there was something so much better on the other side or we were being protected from something that we were not aware of. These blessings in disguises are always a reminder that we should just simply trust the process and embrace the many “no’s” and mishaps that are inevitable in our journey in life. When we learn to embrace what seems like setbacks and realize that not only is there always something better coming, but also, things could be much worse, it’s easier to keep a healthy mindset which will allow positivity to continue to flow in our lives. Think about it, although cliche’, everything does happen for a reason and most times we may not understand the “why” in the moment, and it may not make sense, but in time we usually get the opportunity to realize the reason after the fact if we pay attention. Granted, there are times that we may never know, and despite that fact,, we have to simply have faith that not getting what we originally wanted or thought we needed was better at the end of the day.
Of course, every “no” or failed opportunity is not a blessing in disguise and when unexpected things occur that we have no control over, if we look closely, there is always a positive that comes along with the negative. We must learn to find the good in the bad. Though easier said than done, when we train ourselves to take this approach, it is much easier to maintain a sense of peace regarding bad situations. When we are at peace, we are able to see things clearer and focus on the important things with a grateful heart. Putting the situation into perspective in this manner makes the unfortunate circumstances a little bit more bearable.
As author, Mokokoma Mokhonoana says, “some of the best things that have ever happened to us wouldn’t have happened to us if it weren’t for some of the worst things that have ever happened to us.” Let’s learn to embrace all of our experiences and be grateful for the blessings in disguises that come our way to make this journey in life that much sweeter.