“All In Time”
“Anybody that’s out there working on something, it’s like, it doesn’t matter who you are or what position you’re in, it’s going to take time…blood, sweat and tears, that’s what it’s going to take…stay consistent and keep going…that’s what it’s all about. You got to keep going.”
“Baby Jem” ~ Jaden Smith
Quote source: Jaden Smith on Releasing two new albums, Will Smith, Logic & ICON (Power 106 Los Angeles) (Youtube published date 6/1/18)
Stock photo source: meganoticias.com
Have you ever gotten frustrated with a goal that seemed like it would never happen? As some may know, my college career was full of many ups and downs. Between my original school losing its accreditation, me having to sit a semester out and also having to transfer schools, the idea of completing my degree at times seemed so bleak, almost as if there was no light at the end of the tunnel. The fight to not abandon the process all together was real, but the fight in being patient in the process was even more of a struggle. As it has been said, patience is a virtue and although it is a great quality to have, it is not always as easy to exercise all that it entails.
The biggest aspect for me regarding patience is the practice of maintaining a good attitude in the midst of waiting. When we are on the path of working on a goal at times we can become frustrated in how long it is taking to reach the finish line. It’s natural, but that frustration can lead to our thought process shifting resulting in us possibly feeding ourselves negative thoughts that will only hinder the process. This is why it is imperative to get into the habit of training ourselves to keep a healthy attitude during the journey. Self control is another key element in patience, especially as it relates to being able to restrain from acting out on our adverse emotions. If we are able to learn how to endure the discomfort of the particular stage of the process that we’re in, despite how it feels, we are more prone to stay the course. If we are consistent with staying the course as we patiently continue to do the things necessary to bringing our goal into existence then we will get there that much faster. Lastly, let’s keep in mind that it takes time to get accustomed to living in a state of patience and we literally have to be patient with ourselves. Pun intended. Just simply giving grace to ourselves allows us to operate in peace which in turn minimizes the discontentment of waiting in the process as we work on fulfilling our goals.
So now that we’ve touched upon the different facets of patience, let’s talk about the benefits that it actually has. Obviously if we are patient concerning our goals, we will eventually be able to achieve them, but it is even more important to understand that being patient allows better decisions to be made, especially when it comes to our aspirations. When we are hasty and restless in a process or situation, it is a bit difficult to make the best choices regarding them because we are not giving ourselves the opportunity to weigh all of the costs. When this happens we usually are only concerned about the “here and now” while unfortunately disregarding the bigger picture, This can be harmful long term so being patient is beneficial because it allows us to consider all the pros and cons, ensuring that the best decisions are being made. Finally, an advantage of practicing patience is that it ultimately trickles down to other areas of our lives which leads to so many other good qualities such as being a good leader and listener. It also encourages kindness towards others, all great characteristics of living a more satisfying life.
It’s true, patience requires a lot, however we are so much better off when we choose to operate in it. As author Ray A Davis says, “patience is not passive waiting, Patience is active acceptance of the process required to attain your goals and dreams.” Let’s all aim to earnestly accept our aspirations while abiding in patience.