“Fall Forward, Spring Back”
“Never be discouraged, never hold back.
Give everything you’ve got, and when you fall throughout life, remember this, fall forward.”
“Living Lejem”
Denzel Washington
Quote Source: Denzel Washington’s speech will leave you speechless - One of the most eye opening speeches ever(Youtube published date 6/26/18)
Stock photo source: shutterstock.com
Are you the type of person to give up easily? At times we don't always get it right the first, second, or even third time we attempt something new, but hey, no one is perfect. When I was in college I interned for a comedy festival for a well known comedian and I was beyond nervous. My first day on the job was so overwhelming and I just couldn't get anything right. It seemed like everything I touched or attempted to do was wrong. I struggled that first day, and was super frustrated and a bit nervous that I had blown my opportunity. That night I calmed down and put things into perspective. I figured that it could only get better because I knew that the worst was over. The next day I walked into the office bright eyed and bushy tailed, determined to prove myself to everyone, including me. One of the supervisors looked shocked when she saw me come in and even told me that she didn't think I was going to come back based off of the previous day. I politely responded to her saying "Oh no, I'm not the type of person to just give up so easily. I have to complete the task at hand.” I could see the satisfaction on her face after my comment and knew that everything was going to be just fine. Each day became a little easier than the previous one and before I knew it I was doing a great job working the festival. I was proud of myself for not quitting and even happier that I didn’t because I would have missed out on an opportunity to be a part of a great event.
Nothing that is worth having comes easy and at times we all can get dis-hearted when things don't initially go the way we expect, especially in the midst of giving our strongest and best effort. The true test of our character lies in how we respond to the idea of failing and having to regroup and start from scratch. While it can be extremely frustrating having to pull ourselves up by our bootstraps to continue after being disappointed, it is so very important. Why you may ask? Well, the obvious reason is that when we have the mindset of getting back up after a setback, we are able to follow through and complete our task or reach our goal. There is always a unique satisfaction that we all experience when we know that we were able to perservere, despite all the obstacles that were faced. Also, being able to bounce back strengthens our work ethic by default, and puts into practice the tenacity that it takes to complete what we set out to do which can definitely be helpful in other areas of our lives. In addition, being able to rebound inspires others in our circle to do the same. There is a certain level of courage that is needed to make the decision to get back up after a disappointment and when others witness it they have no choice but to be inspired and hopefully follow suit. You never know whose watching.
It is understandable to want to just stop trying after a huge setback, but much more detrimental to actually do so. After a disappointment or mistake, making the choice to not continue in completing whatever it is that we have set out to do can end up weighing heavy on our minds, especially if the moment has passed us by. If we procrastinate and are unable to bounce right back, It is not always guaranteed that the opportunity will still be available if and when we decide that we are ready to continue again. If it’s not, we leave our thoughts open to run ram-pad, pondering about the missed opportunity. This is damaging to our mental health and can lead to regret and two questions that we never want to ask ourselves…what if and what could have been. “What if I had just kept going and didn’t stop after the mishap, what could have been, what could I have achieved?” Regret is not a good feeling and our goals are way too important to just throw in the towel.
So now the question is how do we actually get ourselves into the mindset of wanting to get back up to continue after a fall? Well, I believe that it begins with patience. So many times we beat ourselves up because we feel like we make careless mistakes that are avoidable, but keep in mind that although mistakes can lead to a setback we are all just human. We need to give ourselves grace. It is important to note that an aspect of being patient is maintaining the right attitude and being grateful for the journey while in the process of staying on track. Not dwelling on the mistakes, but learning from them is also a good way to bounce back into the position of moving forward faster. Encouraging yourself and surrounding yourself around people who are likeminded and support your goals is also pertinent to staying focused on the complete journey. Remember, birds of a feather flock together so be conscious of the type of people you surround yourself with. Are they quick to give up or are they constantly in pursuit of their own purpose with a grateful spirit?
Indeed, staying the course after a setback is easier said than done, however, it is so well worth it in the end. As Bishop TD Jakes states, “Every setback is a set up for a comeback.” I say embrace the setbacks in life and when you fall just remember to fall forward and spring back up.