“Get Your Mind Right”
“Any and everything is possible, that is my mantra in life.”
“Living Lejem” ~ Robert Townsend
Quote source: Robert Townsend Motivation & Purpose (DigiGlobal Now) (Youtube published date 7/11/18)
Stock photo source: cinema.usa.edu
How many times in our lives have we heard that it's a good idea to write our goals down, or to create a vision board for the things that we want to accomplish? While these techniques are extremely helpful, and can definitely be tools in obtaining our goals, no one ever really talks about what to do or how we should feel when we see all these goals staring back at us. Although they can be very motivating and inspiring, these expectations that we make for ourselves can also be very intimidating. When I was in my third year of college, my school lost its accreditation and I had to make a decision on what I really wanted to do with my life. On top of that, I had just reconnected with my biological family and had to return home to figure everything out. Talk about being overwhelmed.
I wasn’t in school, I had no job, no car and nothing going for myself. I had no clue as to where to start to get back on the right track. Thankfully I had very supportive Godparents who sat me down to help me first assess what I truly wanted to do and then help me understand what it would actually take. I went through the steps of organizing my goals by listing them one by one and then prioritizing them by importance. I even broke down each individual goal into baby steps and then came up with a realistic due date of getting each of those baby steps completely done. After I finished, I stepped back to look at all my goals in their entirety and my first thought was, "I can't possibly do all this". The thing is however, that in all actuality, I could, and I did.
One of the most important things in embracing goals as a whole is being aware of the mindset that you have concerning them. Philippians 4:13 states "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." This verse of the bible for me is a continual reminder and a constant go-to those times when I am extremely frustrated and at wits end when going through the motions of not only getting the baby steps of the bigger goals in life done, but also the smaller day to day tasks that can at times seem to be impossible. It is also important to understand that although we may have many various aspirations that are indeed all obtainable, we must keep in mind that we can't do everything all at once. Attempting to do everything together and not having a clear and concise idea of what exactly needs to be done specifically may cause unnecessary setbacks and dissatisfaction. One other aspect that I believe is important in keeping a positive mindset is in recognizing that we are not always going to like what is absolutely necessary to do in order to reach our goals. However if we keep the bigger picture at heart those things that we really don't want or like to do but are pertinent in reaching our bigger goals won't seem so unbearable. Also, having goals that support the motto of doing what you love and loving what you do is key in maintaining the right attitude throughout the journey and knowing without a shadow of a doubt that anything you want is achievable.
Although it is only natural to get overwhelmed at times, even with our day to day tasks, be comforted in the fact that with the right mindset, anything can be done, despite how you feel or what the situation looks like. I encourage you to think back to those dreams that you had as a child that without hesitation believed would come to pass, and I challenge you to go after the dreams that you have today with that same mentality and zeal that possessed you back then. Remember, as Henry Ford states, "Those who believe they can do something and those who believe they can't are both right". So I ask you, what do you believe?!