“Zoned Out”
“You should be consistently reinventing or learning or putting yourself outside of your comfort zone. I mean, my favorite quote is “comfort zones are where dreams go to die.” I have the desire to challenge myself.”
“Jem” ~ Regina King
Quote Source:Regina King talks keeping it real & longevity in the industry/A sip with Issa Rae (Youtube published date 10/21/21)
Stock photo image: vanityfair.com
How many of us really like to put ourselves in uncomfortable situations on purpose? Usually none of us right? Well a few years ago, I was talking with a friend of mine at the start of a new year and we were having a conversation about this very topic. Now, I have know this particular friend for more than half of my life and she was pretty aware that stepping out of my comfort zone was something that I was definitely not into at all. As the conversation progressed, we decided to make a pact that that year we, particularly me, would do new and different things and venture out of our respective comfort zones. Throughout the year we would check in with one another to hold each other accountable. One particular day, she called me and invited me to the beach. Now, I know a lot of people love the beach, but it’s just not my thing. Holding true to my promise, I agreed to go, with an optimistic attitude, although a bit apprehensive. When we first arrived, it took a minute for me to warm up, but I decided that I was going to make the best of the trip. I made a choice to let go of all of my hesitation and angst, and when I did, I actually ended up having a great time. That day, I learned that if you are willing to get out of your comfort zone, nine times out of ten you will end up having a positive experience.
Now, I get it, stepping out of our comfort zone is absolutely not an easy task and it may require baby steps for most of us, however, staying in our comfort zones runs the risk of us living an unfulfilled life that can ultimately cause unhappiness. Staying in our comfort zones tend to stagnate us and in a way keep us content with not moving forward and progressing in our lives. It dangerously prevents us from not only reaching our goals, but it also prevents us from making new goals to reach which can be detrimental to our ability to grow, learn new things about ourselves and recognize new opportunity that we wouldn’t have if we hadn’t gone outside of our comfort zone in the first place.
So, what if we opened our minds up to the idea of being comfortable with being uncomfortable. Think about all the things that could be accomplished. Getting out of our comfort zones is important because it builds confidence within ourselves. When we are brave enough to be willing to take that first step out and we realize that the thing that we were so hesitant about wasn’t as bad as it seemed and we are able to overcome whatever fear that we had, we are more prone to be proud of ourselves and more confident to do it again which gives opportunity to expose ourselves to new things. Getting into the practice of getting out of our comfort zones also allows us to deal with change easier. Many people struggle with the idea of change but as we know, the only thing constant is change. Getting out of our comfort zones helps us to adapt quicker to the involuntary changes that are inevitable in our lives. When we get out of our comfort zones we are in turn setting an example to others in our lives that hopefully will inspire them to do the same which helps put them on the path to their own self discovery.
So now that we know why getting out of our comfort zones is important the question of how still lingers. The task can be very daunting but as mentioned earlier taking baby steps is key. The first thing to consider is putting things into perspective. More times than not, comfort zones and goals go hand in hand with one another, meaning that reaching a goal usually requires our comfort zones to be tested. If we are able to put things into perspective, mentally first, then it will be easier to have a positive outlook on getting out of our comfort zone to reach our goal because the goal will be the focus. This makes the idea of getting out of our comfort zones more tolerable. Secondly, just take that first step. Think about what that looks like and make your mind up to simply take the step, no matter how small it may seem. Once that first step is done it will be easier to take the next. Lastly, get into the habit of consistently doing something new so that getting out of our comfort zones becomes routine. That way, when something major comes along that really requires us to stretch and leave our comfort zone it won’t be as hard.
Although the idea of leaving your comfort zone can seem overwhelming, keep in mind that it doesn’t have to happen over night. It is a life-long process. Remember as Canadian lawyer, Robin S. Sharma states, “As you move outside of your comfort zone, what was once the unknown and frightening becomes your new normal.” I encourage you to be patient with yourself, “zone out” and enjoy your journey.